About me
Hello, I’m Miguel, I love to reasearch and desing all type of things about electronic, computer, control, FPGA, Python scripting, microcontroller, raspberry, octave, MATLAB, embembed system, power electronic, … in other words all about electronic technology desing. I want to do some useful developments for the persons who need a solutions.
I was born in México, august 27 in 1994. I studied my high school in the C.B.T.I.s 149 when the passion for the technology and engineering was born in me, in this first step in my education I got some knoweldge in the field of mecatronic, then I entried to electronic engineering in the University “UMSNH”, for me was a spin of 360 degree because I get more knoweldge, this was a great stage of my life in wich I grow up as person. In resume I have big passion for all kinds of fields of the electronic engineering, I consider my self creative and hard worker.
My networks
GitHub |
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My Skills:
- Control systems
- Programing in C
- Programing in Python
- MATLAB & Simulink
- Labview
- VHDL & Verilog
- Team work
- Creativity
Contact me